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Vaginal Steaming Detox herbs is an age long remedy to cleanse the v@gina, uterus (womb) and the entire reproductive tract which directs herbs infused steam into the v@gina.



—Reducing menstrual symptoms, bloating, cramps, exhaustion, and heavy bleeding.

—Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles

__Boosts fertility in women

__Increases libido and wetness

—Quick healing and tone the reproductive system after child birth

—Eases discomfort of the yoni

—Promotes healing after birth and C-section recovery

—Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids

—Helps to restore bacterial and PH balance to aid in prevention of infections, bacterial vaginosis and odors

—Relief for symptoms of menopause

—Helps tighten the yoni

—Detoxification of the yoni and maintenance of healthy v@ginal odour.


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